
Posts Tagged ‘beer dispenser’

On-Ice Mixed Drink and Beer DispenserTime for the latest in beer technology and gadgets! Anything that makes my beer drinking experience easier and/or more pleasurable is always a plus in my book. So imagine my excitement when I discovered I never have to worry about lukewarm beer ever again. Introducing the On-Ice Beer Dispenser, a simple way to turn the freshly purchased beer sitting on shelves into your icy refreshment.

As you can see by the picture I have conveniently added, the beer dispenser looks like a blender with an ice compartment in the middle. All you do is put some ice cubes in the special compartment, pour in beer (or any other mixed drinks, wine, etc) and presto chango cold liquid with no dilution. So simple and brilliant yet it hasn’t been available until now (to the best of my knowledge). I’ve had many a times where I’ve gotten deep into conversations, usually about zombie apocalypes, the meaning of life, or both, only to realize I haven’t been sipping on my beer. And when I get the chance, alas, warmth; disgust. (more…)

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