
Posts Tagged ‘hurricanes’

I’m reporting to you live from Flushing, Queens where we’re less than a day away from Hurricane Irene. This ho had to go and ruin all my party plans…okay I didn’t have much in the way of plans this weekend but she still forced me to evacuate my home. For those who don’t know me, I live on the south shore of Long Island and was ordered to leave. Some brave souls on my block are choosing to stay. Honestly, I don’t think my home will really be damaged but I did move all my important electronics to the second floor and got rid of anything off the floor.

I don’t anticipate my home being destroyed but still one wants to be safe. How do you decide within 24 hours what’s most important to you? Besides clothing, I took my two external hard drives, this shitty laptop so I can feel “connected” to the world, my stuffed panda, and my limited edition Lady Gaga album. (Yeah I know I’m a loser. But heaven forbid my home really was destroyed, I’d be devastated if it was lost to the horrors of this wench of a storm.)

But I knew I couldn’t very well leave without beer. I’m a beer blogger damn it! I had a bottle of Chimay Blue for months in my fridge. I know, I know, how could I not drink that by now? It’s a large bottle and I can’t down it all myself. So now it’s here sitting in my Aunt and Uncle’s refrigerator waiting to be slowly sipped and enjoyed. I shall most likely partake in it tonight. What better way to distract from the storm and not think about my kitties left behind at home than to get drunk?

I hope everyone else on the East Coast managed to pick up a few bottles of their favorite ales and lagers before all hell breaks loose. Just like I said for the May apocalypse, there’s no right or wrong beer for times like these. But I do believe now is the time to imbibe your best beer. Might as well go out with a bang.

Stay classy San Francisco…er I mean stay safe East Coast and drink well!

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